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1054 - A supernova is seen by Chinese, Arab and possibly Amerindian observers near the star Zeta Tauri. For several months it remains bright enough to be seen during the day. Its remnants form the Crab Nebula.
1776 - American Revolution: The United States Declaration of Independence is adopted by the Second Continental Congress. It is a INDEPENDENCE DAY in USA.
1790 - George Everest, geographer, Welsh surveyor, In 1865, Mount Everest was named in his honour (d. 1866).
1796 - 1st Independence Day celebration is held.
1817 - Chief Engineer James Geddes begins construction on the Erie Canal, one of the first great engineering works in North America.
1827 - Slavery abolished in NY.
1836 - Wisconsin Territory forms.
1870 - Pieter van der Lijn, Dutch geologist (Dutch boulders).
1906 - Great Britain, France, and Italy declare independence of Ethiopia (Abyssinia.
1946 - Philippines gains independence from US.
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1567 - Samuel de Champlain, explorer (Lake Champlain)
1608 - Samuel de Champlain founds city of Quebec
1848 - Slaves freed in Danish West Indies (now US Virgin Islands)
1886 - In Germany, Karl Benz drives 1st automobile
1935 - Harrison H "Jack" Schmitt, Santa Rita NM, astronaut (Apollo 17)
1987 - British millionaire Richard Branson and Swedish-born Per Lindstrand, the balloon's designer of Double Eagle II, became the first hot-air balloon travelers to cross the Atlantic on this date.
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1679 - Europeans first visit Minnesota and see headwaters of Mississippi in an expedition led by Daniel Greysolon de Du Luth.
1698 - Thomas Savery patents the first steam engine
1900 - First flight LZ-1, of a dirigible airship designed by Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin, at Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen, Germany.
1937 - Амелија Ерхарт исчезнува над Тихиот Океан додека се обидува да го изведе првиот лет околу светот по екваторот; нејзиното тело никогаш не е пронајдено.
1957 - 1st submarine designed to fire guided missiles launched, Grayback.
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1831 - Admiral James C Ross reaches magnetic North Pole
1863 - Slavery abolished in Suriname & Dutch Antilles
1867 - The Dominion of Canada is formed, comprising the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario & Quebec, with John A. Macdonald serving as the first Prime Minister
1873 - Prince Edward Island becomes 7th Canadian province
1907 - World's 1st air force established (US Army)
1960 - Ghana becomes a republic
1962 - Algeria votes for independence from France
1962 - Burundi & Rwanda gain independence from Belgium (National Days)
1997 - Britain hands Hong Kong and the New Territories - ceded in 1841 - to the People's Republic of China.
2000 - 2000 - The Oresund Bridge, connecting Sweden and Denmark, opens for traffic.
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1611 – Henry Hudson се уктовува во Хадсоновиот Залив со бродот Discovery. Никогаш повеќе не е виден.
1633 – Галилео Галилеј (Galileo Galilei) е принуден да се откаже од научните тези дека Сонцето, а не Земјата, е центар на вселената.
1840 – Роден е Ernest Debes, германски картограф.
1851 – Пожар уништува половина од градот Сан Франциско.
1959 – Неуспешно е лансиран Vanguard SLV-6 во орбитата.
1962 – Направен е првиот тест патување на пловниот објект Hovercraft.
1978 – Откриен е сателиот Charon на планетата Плутон.
1983 – Прв пат сателит е вратен од орбитата со вселенско возило.