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- Hits: 430
1099 - 1st Crusaders arrive in Jerusalem
1340 - Rotterdam Netherlands founded
1692 - Earthquake in Porte Royale, Jamaica, kills 3,000
1769 - Daniel Boone begins exploring Bluegrass State of Kentucky
1800 - David Thompson reaches the mouth of the Saskatchewan River in Manitoba.
1862 - The United States and Britain agree to suppress the slave trade.
1864 - Abraham Lincoln renominated for US President by Republican Party
1971 - Soviet Soyuz 11 crew completes 1st transfer to orbiting Salyut
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- Hits: 290
1436 - Regiomontanus (Johannes Muller), prepares astronomical tables
1772 - Haitian explorer Jean Baptiste-Pointe Dusable settles Chicago
1809 - Sweden declares independence, constitutional monarchy established with a new constituion empowering Riksdag after 20 years of absolute monarchy
1859 - Australia: Queensland is established as a separate colony from New South Wales (Queensland Day).
1882 - Electric iron patented by Henry W Seely, NYC
1966 - Gemini 9 completes 45 orbits after rendezvous with "angry alligator"
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- Hits: 318
1257 - Kraków, Poland, receives city rights.
1799 - Naturalists Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland set sail in the Pizarro from A Coruña and begin their 5 year Latin American expedition.
1805 - 1st recorded tornado in "Tornado Alley" (Southern Illinois).
1806 - Batavian Republic becomes Kingdom of Holland.
1849 - Danish National Day-Denmark becomes a constitutional monarchy.
1873 - Sultan Bargash closes slave market of Zanzibar.
1972 - UN Conference on Human Environment opens in Stockholm.
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- Hits: 869
334 пр.н.е. - Македонската армија на чело со Александар Велики го поразил персискиот крал Darius III во битката кај Граника.
760 – По 14-ти пат е регистрирана Халеевата комета.
1370 - Протерани се Евреите од Брисел (Белгија).
1803 - Во Конектикат (САД) отворена е првата јавна народна библиотека.
1919 - Andrew E. Douglass ги утврдува релативните датуми од две археолошки наоѓалишта. користејќи антички примероци од дрво, што претставува голем чекор напред во датирање на археолошките локалитети.
1972 – Цејлон станува Република Шри Ланка.
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- Hits: 323
1910 - Earth passes through the tail of Halley's Comet
1631 - John Winthrop is elected 1st Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1642 - Montreal, Canada, founded.
1969 - Apollo 10 (Stafford/Cernan/Young) launched toward lunar orbit.